Rooms Setup

This section will allow you to set up all the individual Rooms that are available to rent at the property.


Video Tutorial

For a video tutorial please view: Rooms


Administration > Rooms > Rooms

  1. Click the trashcan icon under Actions if you'd like to Remove a row.
  2. To add a new Room, click Add at the top.
  3. To Edit an existing Room, click the Edit icon under the Actions column.
  4. Fill in the information in the window that appears and click Save when finished.


Field Description
Active If the box is checked, this Room will be available for use
Room Number Enter the Room Number
Room Type Select the Room Type this Room belongs to
Connecting Rooms Select any Rooms that have a door connecting to this Room
Features Pick any Room Features that apply to this Room
Housekeeping Zones Select the Housekeeping Zone this Room is under (if applicable)
Order The order in which the Room is displayed in sections such as the Room Chart or from within a Reservation